WALTER TOSCANO HumorPortrait 1° Prize

Born in Peru in 1974, he studied drawing and painting at the School of Fine Arts in Trujillo, Peru.
He is a painter, caricaturist, illustrator, cartoonist, dollmaker and writer of prose and poetry.
He edited the magazines Piel de Kamaleón (literature) and PerroKalato (international graphics).
His poems and short stories have appeared in anthologies and magazines in Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Spain and France.
He is the recipient of national and international awards for painting, poetry, short stories, cartoons and caricatures.
He has about 30 international caricature prizes to his name and has been on the jury of international cartoon and caricature contests.
He holds drawing, painting and carving workshops in various cities in Peru and Colombia and takes part in literary and artistic events.
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