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WHA 7th edition

Posted on Jan 3, 2022 by in Opere in concorso | 0 comments

The seventh edition of the World Humor Awards has officially started with the sending of the invitation to the selected authors

Each author must choose whether to participate in the section: “Humorous graphics” or the section: “Caricature”.
It is not possible to participate in both.

Environmental sustainability again this year in the theme of the Cartoon section:
“The energy of the near future”

News for the Caricature section: “Six characters looking for an author”
Each artist must send two caricatures choosing from the following characters from politics, sport, entertainment:
Mario Draghi – Ursula von der Leyen – Valentino Rossi – Serena Williams – Quentin Tarantino – Lady Gaga

The deadline for submitting works is April 15th.

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