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Posted on Jun 5, 2024 by in Opere in concorso | 0 comments

This year too, the jury’s work is made difficult by the quality of all the works to be judged.

Before the final consultation to decide the winners, each member of the jury, by compiling a ranking,
must choose from all the drawings that have passed the first selection, 10 authors for the cartoon and 5 for the caricature.

Below is the list of authors who have been nominated


Arafa (Egitto), Arriaga (Spagna), Badeaux (Canada), Becares (Argentina)Belhomme (Francia), Bernazzani (Italia), Bertolotti (Italia), Bilig Ba (Cina), Blommestjin (Paesi Bassi), Boligan (Messico), Cabras (Italia) Cam (Turchia), Contemori (Italia), Corvi (Italia), Finocchioli (Italia), Fusi (Italia), Gumus (Turchia), Gurel (Turchia), Herrera (Canada), Horia Crisan (Romania), Katz G (Israele), Katz I (Israele), Kazanchev (Ucraina), Kustovsky (Ucraina), Leurs (Lussemburgo),  Martirena (Cuba), Mello (Brasile), Talarico (Italia), Winter (N.Zelanda), Zaradklewicz (Polonia) Zheleznyak (Ucraina),



Al Sumaikh (Bahrain), Araujo (Brasile), Cajas (Ecuador), Guerra (Argentina), Jabir (Marocco), Kurtulmus (Turchia), Mariani (Italia), Moine (Francia), Nicolini (Italia), Nyhus (Norvegia), Pamarthy (India), Picasso’ (Spagna), Priego (Spagna), Prigent (Francia), Pugliese (Argentina), Quaranta (Italia), Serrano (Spagna) Stieglitz (Germania), Teneketzidis (Grecia), Toscano (Peru)

On the cover: out of competition drawing by Javier Richard, WHA 2023 winner

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