World Humor Awards, new location

This year, thanks to the agreements with the Municipality of Salsomaggiore, the exhibition moves into the restored Tommasini salons.
The event in the new prestigious location, while maintaining the characteristics tested in the first editions, intends to pass from an exclusive circle of authors to a wider public looking for greater involvement in the city.
The fixed points of the event remain however the inauguration of the 2019 edition exhibition and the award ceremony with the presence of the winners and the jury in Salsomaggiore Terme
Subsequently and in any case by the end of the year the exhibition, in collaboration with the Regional Employees’ Club, will be re-proposed in Bologna in locations still to be defined (Sala Borsa, Palazzo d’Accursio, Legislative Assembly Hall …).
The 2019 exhibition, together with those of previous years, remains available for other locations that request it.
“50 years of the moon” is the theme proposed for the 2019 theme design while the free theme for the caricature section has been left.
The invitations to the selected authors were sent at the beginning of January and the deadline for the delivery of the works is fixed at the end of April.
The jury will then evaluate the works received to define the final ranking and deliver it to the organization that must provide for the consequent convening of the winners and to organize their travel and hospitality.
The exhibition of the works at Tommasini will be indicatively from August 26th to September 8th with the awards ceremony scheduled for Saturday, August 31st in the late afternoon.
We foresee important moments and spaces with the authors who design for the public.
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